The Counter Assault Team (CAT) is Security Services Northwest's high security innovation. CAT team members function in a variety of tactical environments, and are skilled in threat analysis and counter assault strategies to ensure security of the protected site.

Our Counter Assault Team composed of team members in military gear (e.g., vest, helmet, special weapons, K-9 teams, night vision, and the latest in thermal imaging technology). CAT is capable of meeting and defeating a credible threat against any protected area.
The number of CAT members and weapons employed are task-organized to meet mission requirements. CAT is a private sector source to supplement security of government agencies and private corporations. Missions are planned out with the client to provide a specific level of security with the appropriate weapons and numbers to meet the agreed-upon mission requirements. A high Force Protection Condition (FP Con) is met with a correspondingly strong response from CAT to harden targets and make certain any potential enemy is deterred from attacking.
Should counter assault be necessary, CAT is ready to defend and win. Mission parameters are mutually agreed upon, (i.e., the appropriate application of weapons and sufficient team members) by the company president, CAT team leaders, and the customer to ensure mission success. The customer has the final say in matters regarding the mission aboard and around the vessel. Heightened security concerns, credible threats, or actionable intelligence are treated with high importance, initiating in-depth threat analysis to ensure successful execution of the mission.