The Messenger

Customer Service Responsibilities of Security Guards

back of security guard with word security written on back of jacket

Security guards are often seen as professionals who provide security services alone. However, security guards also can play an important role providing customer service. There are many customer service responsibilities that must be juggled alongside security responsibilities.

1. Greet Customers

When customers need a question answered or when someone needs to greet a customer, one of the first individuals that a customer may come in contact with is a security guard.

Having a security guard be the first point of contact for a new visitor not only provides customer service, but also helps the security guard remain aware of everyone who enters your building. Communicating with customers provides a security guard with an opportunity to deescalate a situation.

2. Make a Great First Impression

Security guards are often the first impression that a customer has of your business. It is therefore important that security personnel maintain an excellent physical appearance. Customers will usually see security personnel before they hear them. Therefore, the appearance of the security must never be underestimated.

While a security guard can wear a standard and highly professional security guard uniform, you could instead have security wear less formal clothing or wear clothing that displays your company brand.

3. Protect & Communicate with Customers

The job of a security guard is not only to protect the property, but to also make sure that customers are safe. For instance, if there is a hazard in the building that customers are not aware of, security should inform them of this. By knowing that they are protected, customers are more likely to feel relaxed.

Great security guards have good communication skills and are friendly, polite and professional. Any noteworthy events should be recorded so that you will be fully aware of everything that occurs on your property. Skilled security guards will write reports that include only the facts, written clearly and concisely.

4. Offer Assistance

When customers need assistance, a security guard is the most trustworthy individual to turn to. For instance, if a customer does not know where a particular building is, a security guard can direct him or her in the right direction.

Assistance can be something as simple as holding open a door. Also, if there is an emergency, the security staff are the best individuals to contact about this.

All of this is done without the security guard being distracted from doing his or her job of keeping your property safe. If someone is hurt, the security guard is the best person to turn to in order to provide first aide and call emergency services if necessary.

5. Secure the Premise

Security personal play an important role not only in protecting the occupants and property, but also in working with law enforcement to fight crime. When a crime occurs, the reports recorded by security guards play a role in the investigation.

The security guard also has the power to detain anyone who has committed a crime. Keeping your property safer is another form of customer service that will cause customers to want to choose your business over others, regardless of whether you choose armed or unarmed security guards.

The job of a security guard can be difficult. Not only do security guards have multiple responsibilities, but they must also often help people when they are at their worst. If a customer has had his or her cars stolen, the customer may be frightened and not very coherent, requiring a highly-trained professional to handle the situation.

Contact a security company that can set you up with professional security services that will meet all of your needs. If you are looking for such a service, contact us at Security Services Northwest, Inc. We provide highly trained armed and unarmed officers.



Contact Security Services Northwest today! We're ready to help with your security needs. Call us at (800)-859-3463.
